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Swoon Sunday: Eli Perry from Jodie Andrefski’s The Girlfriend Request! – Entangled Teen

Swoon Sunday: Eli Perry from Jodie Andrefski’s The Girlfriend Request!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Eli Perry from The Girlfriend Request by Jodie Andrefski

Swoon Sunday-Eli Perry

Eli, why don’t you describe yourself to us?

I don’t know…I’m pretty much your average guy, I guess. I have brown hair, my mom keeps telling me to cut my bangs, but I like them like this. My eyes aren’t really any one color. My best friend, Emma, always tells me I have “kaleidoscope eyes” whatever the heck that means. I’m about 5’11”. Playing soccer keeps me in shape, thank God, since I like to eat!

What’s your profession?

Does being a junior in high school count as a profession? I’m a pretty good at watching movies, or playing paintball. And soccer. Always soccer.

What kind of music do you listen to? (What song are you listing to on his iPod right now?)

My taste in music runs kind of all over the place. Anything from classic rock to current stuff. “Hero” by Skillet is playing while I’m answering these questions, to give you a clue to my current playlist.

Do you have a special skill?

I can talk Emma in to just about any dare, and I do a pretty killer overhead kick in soccer.

What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?

I want to be able to figure out for sure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I want to do something I’m passionate about, and one day find someone who is my best friend who has mad kissing skills and turns me inside out. I want to leave the world a better place.

What’s your favourite dessert/food?


Describe your idea of an ideal date.

I think it depends on the girl. But if it were completely up to me, I think it would be awesome to do something outdoors together. Maybe go hiking, then grab something to eat.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Star Wars. Emma busts on me constantly about being so original.

What is the one thing that no one knows or could never guess about you?

That I worry about what people think about me way more than I let on.

Boxers or briefs?

Boxers 😉 Briefs remind me too much of something my dad would wear. Great, now I’m thinking of my dad in his underwear. Next question, please.

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Froot Loops all the way. You can never go wrong with fruity, sugary goodness.

Early bird or night owl?

Definitely a night owl. I hate mornings. Unless I have a really good reason to get up early. (Refer back to my idea of a perfect date.)

Chunky peanut butter or smooth?

I hate peanut butter. It sticks in your mouth and makes your breath taste funky, and in sixth grade I had a bad experience trying to swallow a huge bite of a peanut butter sandwich in the lunchroom at school. Let’s just say I stay away from it now.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Rude people in any form. I can’t stand when people act like they’re better than someone else.

Thank you so much for joining us, Eli! Now, here’s an embarassingly swoony excerpt from The Girlfriend Request for our readers between Eli and Emma…

I crossed the yard to her house, and walked in. When I reached her bedroom, I gave my usual three-tap knock and opened the door.

And immediately froze.

All breath left my body. My heart may have stopped for a second, I’m not quite sure.

Emma stood about five feet away, arms up over her head tangled in some kind of shirt. But the shirt above her head wasn’t what held my attention. The fact that she was only wearing a bra with her jeans was what stopped me in my tracks.

You’d think for all the times I’d had my arm around her, or that we’d wrestled, I would have had a better idea what she had going on under her shirts. Because…wow. My mouth went dry and I couldn’t form a word. My eyes probably looked like those oversized kinds you see in cartoons.

Emma was…a knockout. Just the right amount of curves. The bra suited her, some pale pink thing with hints of lace.

“Eli!” Her shocked scream broke me out of my trance, and her face turned this bright shade of red.

The next second, she crossed both arms over her chest, as if that would help considering I’d already gotten a pretty good peek.

Her eyes were saucers.

My mouth opened and closed a few times, but I still couldn’t manage to spit anything came out.

“What…what are you doing here?” It seemed like she was afraid to uncross her arms to pull the shirt on, like that might give me another free display.

It wasn’t like I’d tried to walk in on her getting dressed. I wasn’t some perv.

“I…I told you I was coming over,” I swallowed down the egg in my throat. “I’m

sorry. I didn’t know you were changing.”

“Well, I am.” She blinked rapidly.

“Yeah, I see that.” My mouth twitched. I couldn’t help but start to see the humor in the situation.

Clearly, she hadn’t reached that point yet.

“Um…so do you mind? I’d like to finish getting dressed.” She was so cute when she blushed.

I took a step into the room. “By all means, don’t stop on my account.” I couldn’t resist teasing her. The twitching turned into a full-fledged grin.


“Fine, I’ll turn around.”

“Would you just leave the room a minute?”

I spun away, facing the half-closed door. “I promise I won’t peek. Go ahead.” I so wanted to peek. I couldn’t get the image of her in that pink scrap of next to nothing out of my mind. But I kept my word.


About The Girlfriend Request:

Updating best friend to girlfriend is more than a change of status…

Emma has been best friends with Eli since she moved to his neighborhood ten years ago. Tired of being cast in the role of the girl next door, Emma creates a fake Facebook profile in the hopes of starting an online friendship with Eli, which would hopefully lead to more. Like…way more. From friend request to In a Relationship–it all seemed so completely logical when she’d planned it.

Eli can’t figure out what Emma is up to. He’s pretty sure she’s the one behind the Facebook profile, but then again, why would she do something so drastic instead of just admitting she wants to be more than friends? And who the heck is this new guy he saw her with? Eli starts to think that just maybe…he missed his chance with the girl next door.

Two best friends, one outlandish ruse. Their status is about to become way more than It’s Complicated…

This Entangled Teen Crush book contains one fake Facebook profile, two best friends who secretly crave each other, and a dreaded sex talk with parents…boy crush in the room included. Pushing a relationship beyond the friend zone has never been so crazy…

Want to read more? Buy The Girlfriend Request now:

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