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The Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week Begins! – Entangled Teen

The Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week Begins!

Welcome to Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week!

Welcome, welcome! If you’re a fantasy lover like we are, you probably run (rather than walk) to your nearest bookstore or fave online bookshop whenever a new YA fantasy novel releases. However, we also know that some of you – including some of our fave Entangled TEEN authors – are a little more discriminating. Rather than read any type of fantasy novel, you might prefer either Urban Fantasy or Epic Fantasy…just like some of our authors.

The Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week is a chance for readers – like you – and Entangled Teen authors to make their allegiances to either urban or epic fantasy known. You may have kept your preferences a secret until now, but we hope you’ll take the time to confirm your #TeamUrban or #TeamEpic tendencies loud and clear over the course of the week.

Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week Schedule: 

  • Tuesday, February 28th: Team Urban vs. Team Epic Fantasy Twitter Chat @ 9-10 pm EST
  • Wednesday Mar. 1st: Bloggers post a feature with authors who ascribe to #TeamUrban
  • Thursday, Mar. 2nd: Bloggers post a feature with authors on #TeamEpic
  • Friday, Mar. 3rd: Bloggers and authors can write / share related posts, including: why they’re Team Urban or Team Epic, their Top 5/10 Fave Urban or Epic Fantasy Reads, and/or the Top 5 Reasons They Loved _____ (an urban or epic fantasy read)

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