Swoon Sunday: Rebel from The Wishing Heart by J.C. Welker

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy characters.  Today we have a visit from Rebel from The Wishing Heart by J.C. Welker!

Do you have a special skill?

“You could call it that. I might be all dirty hands and bruised knees, but my “magical” fingers can steal the pants right off a stranger.”

What’s your favorite pastime/hobby?

“Twirling my switchblade while reading a book.”

Describe the most dangerous thing you have done.

“Well, there was that time I was chased by three werewolves into the metro tunnels…but you’ll just have to read about that.”

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

“Not being chased.”

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

“Prudence. Clearly because I lack it.”

What is the one thing that no one knows or could never guess about you?

“I may have a soft spot for felines.”

What’s your biggest regret?

“Not kissing a certain someone sooner.”

What’s your darkest secret?

“I could tell you, but that’s the thing about secrets, they aren’t meant to be shared.”

What is your dream/wish/desire?

“To have the kind of love that could mend a heart. To wake up one day and feel whole…”

How would you like to die?

“Death by a kiss. If I had to die at least I’d like to enjoy it.”


Liked this interview with Rebel? Now check out a swoon-worthy excerpt between her and Anjeline:

She was tired of being a captive to her own flesh. With a shake of her head, she didn’t reply. But as Anjeline gazed at her with that look, as though something tied them together, her chest hummed with…what, exactly? She tried willing it away but it spread deeper. She rubbed at her bruises, as if calming the ones within. Her numb hands shook, and she rummaged in the satchel for her pills. Anjeline persisted to stare, unbothered by the cold. Lucky her. “Stop staring at me,” she said.

Anjeline clicked her tongue. “You could just ask me.”

“For what?”

“For warmth.”

Rebel glanced up in both sheepishness and stubbornness. Taking that for an invitation, Anjeline moved closer. “I’m fine…”

“I can hear your teeth rattling.”


Anjeline put a finger against Rebel’s lips. “Shh. If you’re frozen, neither of us will get our wish.” The magic in her palm danced, and she placed a hand atop Rebel’s.

The air throbbed between them. It crackled and purred, and Rebel startled as her blood hummed at the touch. Wisps of sultry light danced across her arms, snaking around her legs and torso in a shroud of warmth.

About The Wishing Heart:

A world where myths come true, and love creates its own magic.

With a book in her bag and a switchblade in her pocket, Rebel’s been thieving her way through life while hoping for a cure to fix her ailing heart.

But when the bejeweled vase she just tried to hawk turns out to be a jinni’s vessel, Rebel gets lost to her world and dragged within another. Now every magical being in the city wants the vase for himself.

Thrust into a game of cat and mouse in a world she never knew existed, Rebel must use her uncanny skills to find a way to free Anjeline the Wishmaker.

But wishes have consequences. And contracts. Anjeline’s freedom could unravel a love like Rebel has never known, or it could come at the cost of Rebel’s heart…

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy of The Wishing Heart by J.C. Welker today!


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About J.C. Welker:

J.C. Welker is a YA author who’s been, among other things, a fashion designer, a filmmaker and a kickboxer (seriously). Her short documentaries, which focused on homeless Iraq veterans and lgbtq+ issues in the military have been featured on CURRENT TV, and her debut novel won first place in the paranormal category of the 2016 YARWA Rosemary Awards. She continues to work towards giving a voice to stories that are needed, while facing magic and monsters along the way.

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