Swoon Sunday with Sam Anderson from Artificial Sweethearts by Julie Hammerle!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Sam Anderson from Artificial Sweethearts by Julie Hammerle!

What’s your profession?

I work at the local video store in my hometown. Yes, we’re old school. We also host a movie night on Saturdays in the back room. Oh, if those old couches and beanbag chairs could talk!

Where do you call home?

North Pole, MN

Do you have a special skill?

I have a very specific set of skills…I always have an appropriate movie quote at the ready, and I’m good at trimming the hedges around our house.

What’s your favourite dessert/food?

I am a food guy. My mom used to make me these caramel sandwich cookies—they’re called alfajores—on the first day of school every year.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Well, this is the best and most difficult question you could’ve answered me. I love movies. Movies are my life. If I had to pick one, though…ugh, this is so hard! I’m going to go with Children of Men. It’s everything I love about film in one movie—great acting, amazing directing (Alfonso Cuarón at his best), surprises, thrills, a conscience. It’s the kind of movie that left me totally speechless at the end of it. Like, the first time I saw it, I had to sit there for five minutes not talking, just to compose myself. (I saw it with my sister Harper, and, if you know her, you know she was looking for a post-movie discussion.)

What is your favorite sports team?

My dad owns part of the Timberwolves, so I should probably say them. We’re very excited to have Jimmy Butler on the team next year!

If you had to describe yourself as an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be?

I’m sweet and strong, and surprisingly assertive. If I were an ice cream, I’d be coffee-based with espresso beans mixed in.

About Artificial Sweethearts:

It’s not chemistry between Tinka Foster and Sam Anderson that made them agree to fake date. With her parents trying to set her up with an annoying student golf coach, and intentionally single Sam’s family pressuring him to bring a date to his brother’s wedding, they could both use a drama-free summer.

So it’s not his muscular arms and quick wit that makes Tinka suggest they tell everyone they’re both taken. Definitely not. And it’s not butterflies that makes a kiss for appearances during the lake party go on way too long—so long that Sam wishes it were real.

But Tinka keeps people at arm’s length—she’s always been second best, even to her parents. And her relationship-for-show could crush everything when she realizes she’s done with fake, pretend, and second-best.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains bikinis at the lake, a lot of making out in dark theaters, and a meet-cute you’ll read twice.

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy of Artificial Sweethearts by Julie Hammerle today!


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About Julie Hammerle:

Julie Hammerle is the author of The Sound of Us (Entangled TEEN, 2016) and the North Pole, Minnesota young adult romance series (Entangled Crush, 2017). She writes about TV and pop culture for the ChicagoNow blog, Hammervision, and lives in Chicago with her family. She enjoys reading, cooking, and watching all the television.

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