Swoon Sunday with Noah Anderson from Omega by Jus Accardo!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Noah Anderson from Omega (The Infinity Division, #2) by Jus Accardo!

Noah, where do you call home?

Right now? Wherever my feet land. Usually some version of Wells, the town I grew up in. When this is all over? I want a place in the mountains. A small log cabin next to a lake. That’d be ideal.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I happened to have my iPod in my pocket when we left home. I lost it a few months ago—skipping from world to world puts a damper on keeping your shi—stuff. I can remember every song on my main playlist, though. A few of my favorites were “Savages” by Theory of a Deadman (ft Alice Cooper), “Bury Me With My Guns On” by Bobaflex, and “This Probably Won’t End Well” by All That Remains. Also Elvis. Don’t judge.

Do you have a special skill?

Does pissing people off count?

What’s your biggest regret?

That I couldn’t save my sister.

What’s your darkest secret?

If I told you I’d have to kill you… (Sorry. Running joke between Cade and me.)

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

We’d go rock climbing then settle at the top for a picnic with a killer view to watch the sunset, and when the stars came out, we’d sit there I’d (hopefully) impress you with my (somewhat) vast knowledge of the constellations. That, or make you laugh. Depends on whether or not you believe that there’s really one called rat’s ass mooning Jupiter…

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

My buddy Cade would say slapping on these damn cuffs and skipping through the multiverse….

Who is your idol?

My mom. She’s brilliant and crazy strong and never puts up with anyone bullshit. Some days I think she’ll be proud to see the man I’ve become, others I worry that she’ll be disgusted by the things I’ve had to do once we finally return home…

Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Neither. We hit a world once that used what looked suspiciously like Lucky charms as a crumble over prime rib. PRIME RIB. Freaking sacrilege…

If you had to describe yourself as an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be?

I’d be rocky road—kind of off-putting when it’s set down in front of you, but then when you take a bite, you realize you’ve got a little spoon of heaven on earth 😉

Liked this interview with Noah? Now check out a swoony moment between him and Ash:

Keys jingled and a door creaked from downstairs. I pressed myself against the wall, dangerously close to her. I felt the shift of her body as she inhaled sharply, the action creating just enough friction to be distracting. Twice now I’d kissed her. Twice now I’d been unable to control myself. “Great. This is just what I need right now.”

I wasn’t sure if I meant the person who’d just entered the house—or my inability to keep my lips off Ash.

About Omega (The Infinity Division, #2):

One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson.

Only Noah isn’t really gone. Thanks to his parents’ company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, he’s determined to resist the magnetic pull he’s felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his mission in danger.

But there’s more going on in Ash’s alternate universe than either of them knows: a mysterious project called Omega. A conspiracy spanning multiple Earths and revolving around none other than Ash. Its creators would do anything to keep Omega secret…


Want to read more? Get your copy of Omega (The Infinity Division, #2) by Jus Accardo today!


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About Jus Accardo:

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. But at the last minute, she realized her true path lay with fiction, not food. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald.

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