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Secret Identities: Jaime Questell Shares Her Fave Secret Identity! – Entangled Teen

Secret Identities: Jaime Questell Shares Her Fave Secret Identity!

Secret Identities: Jaime Questell Shares Her Fave Secret Identity!

Throughout our teen specific lines, we have several books coming out in which characters have a secret identity, including Angie, who is a DJ named Sparo, and Reece, who is a harbinger of death, in Black Bird of the Gallows and Blake, who is the son of Thor in Brenda Drake’s Thunderstruck. With these books in mind, we thought several of our authors would have fun sharing all sorts of posts about secret identities.

Whether you want to know what an author’s fave secret identity is, what secret identity they wish they could claim as their own, something about the secret identities of their characters, or anything else under the secret identity umbrella, you’ll find some fun content in this blog series.

And now, here’s Jaime Questell, the author of By A Charm and A Curse:

Without a doubt, my favorite secret identity is the one that started it all, the title character in The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy. Not only do I love the fact that this is one of the first times we’ve seen the modern superhero trope used in fiction, but also it was a woman who basically invented superheroes as we know them.

This book has everything. Espionage, disguises, sword fighting, romance. During the day, Sir Percy Blakeney is a member of British high society and considered to be something of a playboy and kind of an idiot. By night he rescues innocent members of the French aristocracy from the Reign of Terror. Through all of this, he must keep his true identity hidden from his French wife, who is working to discover the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel in order to save her brother’s life.

Without the Scarlet Pimpernel, we wouldn’t have Zorro, Batman, Superman, DareDevil…the list is a mile long. And now I need to go find my copy so I can reread it. 😀

About By A Charm and A Curse:

Le Grand’s Carnival Fantastic isn’t like other traveling circuses. It’s bound by a charm, held together by a centuries-old curse, that protects its members from ever growing older or getting hurt. Emmaline King is drawn to the circus like a moth to a flame…and unwittingly recruited into its folds by a mysterious teen boy whose kiss is as cold as ice.

Forced to travel through Texas as the new Girl in the Box, Emmaline is completely trapped. Breaking the curse seems like her only chance at freedom, but with no curse, there’s no charm, either—dooming everyone who calls the Carnival Fantastic home. Including the boy she’s afraid she’s falling for.

Everything—including his life—could end with just one kiss.

Want to read more? Get your copy of By A Charm and A Curse by Jaime Questell today!


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About Jaime Questell:

JAIME QUESTELL grew up in Houston, Texas, where she escaped the heat and humidity by diving into stacks of Baby Sitter’s Club and Sweet Valley High books. She has been a book seller (fair warning: book lovers who become book sellers will give half their paychecks right back to their employers), a professional knitter, a semi-professional baker, and now works as a graphic designer in addition to writing.

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