Book Boyfriend March Madness: Round Three (Day One)

EntTeen-webbanner-ad4-STATIC713x316Welcome to Round Three of the Book Boyfriend March Madness tournament! Only 8 boys remain and it is up to YOU to ensure your favorites advance to the Final Four!


Today we have two very exciting matches for you!



Match #1:







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Top Ten Things You Should Know About Nate:


1. He lives in a garage. Literally.

2. He is an avid Michigan State University Spartans fan.

3. He knows his way around the kitchen. Gotta love a guy who can cook!

4. He has blue eyes, short hair, and a crooked front tooth.

5. He used to play soccer.

6. He knows about classic cars.

7. He’s never without his backpack, his water bottle, or the ChapStick that comes in a black tube.

8. His typical outfit consists of jeans, a Spartans sweatshirt, Pumas, and his jacket.

9. His favorite dessert is cherry pie.

10. He’s keeping a secret. A big one.




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Five Things You Should Know About Jackson:

1. His back is covered in tattoos.

2. He’s trained since he was a kid, which makes him lethal in every way.

3. He is technically only half alien. His mother is human.

4. Ari is the only person left that he loves.

5. He will do anything to protect her, including killing his grandfather if necessary.





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Match #2:









What book bloggers are saying about Deke:

“Deke was awesome, both as a best friend to Donna and as a zombie slayer. That boy definitely knows his way around a baseball bat. He’s smart and honest and knows how to give a girl a good kick in the pants.” — Clever Girls Read


“Deke is one of those characters that you instantly fall in love with.” —Outrageous Journey


“Oh and then there’s Deke. I loved Deke, I wish I’d had a Deke when I was at school. He was loyal and an awesome person to have at Donna’s side during all the mayhem. He is definitely a valued member of the rag tag team of Zombie slayers.” —Lost in a Book

Top 5 Things Deke Would Bring to a Deserted Island:


5) His collection of fantasy/sci-fi novels. Anyone wanna talk Lord of the Rings?

4) His red metal baseball bat. A hero never knows when he’ll need to bash some zombie brains.

3) A good water filtration system. Hey, it’s a wonder no one got sick drinking from that algae-infested fountain!

2) His friends and family. Deke’s an extremely loyal guy who’d never leave anyone behind—and a deserted island might be the perfect place to wait out a zombie apocalypse. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure everyone gets there safe and sound.

And the #1 thing Deke would bring to a deserted island?

1) Donna—of course! In fact, Deke would probably be very glad to have some uninterrupted alone time with her. 😉



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The 5 Ingredients that Went Into Creating Dante:

by: Victoria Scott

Swagger – In order for Dante to be a soul collector, he had to have some level of swag.  Smooth talking = More Soul Collecting.

Confidence – It was so much fun making this guy 100% confidence overload.  Pow!

Sexiness – You want my soul?  Uh, pass.  You want my soul and you’re sexy?  I mean, the answer is still no, but let’s hear your pitch.

Dangerous – In real life, most of us want guys who are kind and safe.  But in the fiction world, bring on the danger!

Tormented – Dante has a past that is somewhat explored in book 1 (and even more so in book 2), but suffice it to say he has a few personal demons that have made him the “monster” he is today.

(Originally posted on A Bookish Escape’s blog)


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And that’s a wrap for today! Go forth and vote! We’ll see you back here on Thursday to see Z take on Daemon and Lucas take on Austin!

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