Book Boyfriend March Madness: The Final Four (Day One)



We are down to the FINAL FOUR boys of our tournament! Today and Thursday we will have our last two match-ups before the big championship on Friday!


Match #1:






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Hello Entangled Teen fans, I’m Danielle from Consuming Worlds and it is my great pleasure to represent the swagalicious Dante Walker from The Dante Walker Series by Victoria Scott. I know that we all have a lot of book boyfriends and it is always hard to choose who to vote for when they are put head to head, but let me give you a few reasons to vote for one delicious Dante Walker.




Dante is the perfect picture of swagger. He owns a room with his dark, smoldering looks and knows that he is every girls dream and every guys nightmare. 


“Girl, I got swag for days.” (The Collector, p. 139).


His body was sculpted by the Gods and built to fight anything that steps in his path and he will destroy anything and anyone who harms those he loves.


“I am sharp eyes for hunting, broad shoulders for fighting, strong hands for gripping a weapon. I am built for this.… There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my girls, and I plan to do it all. Blood will spill, and I will spill it without a second thought.” (The Liberator) 


“I look like a movie star and move like an athlete.” (The Collector, p. 9)


But Dante isn’t all arrogance and sex appeal, he’s full of light and love, and with the right touch his warrior exterior softens and he offers everything a girl needs…




“{Your name} wraps her arms around my waist and her fingers clutch my back. My armor falls away in an instant, and I’m no longer what I was a moment before. Now I’m sharp eyes for watching her, and broad shoulders for easing her worries, and strong hands for holding her tight.” (The Liberator)


“All my life, all I’ve ever wanted was to take. But with you, all I want is to give you everything–every creature in the sea, every star in the sky…my own beating heart.” (The Liberator)


Dante is darkness and light, good and bad. He is fierce, loyal, and a true warrior. Dante will bend the heavens for the one’s he loves. He loves as hard as he fights and would give you his soul if he had one.




Won’t you be Dante’s Warrior and vote for him?








Ladies, when you pick up A Tale of Two Centuries, be prepared to have your mind blown! This book has a lot of steam and sweetness courtesy of our boy Austin Michaels.


He’s described as someone who “resembles one of Lucifer’s tempting, sinful brethren with his disheveled raven hair and mischievous, beguiling eyes,” and once you read the book, you’ll agree. He not only comes up with interesting and fun challenges, but has accomplished to leave a prim and proper lady from the 16th century all tongue-tied and breathless.

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He’s a bad boy on the outside, but on the inside beats a vulnerable heart that will win over yours in a few pages.


So why you should you vote for him as a Book Boyfriend? Well, for instance, he’s very protective. He not only stood up to his teacher and the Evil Queen Bee of their high school, but was also ready to face Alessandra’s fiercely protective cousin Cat and a wicked awesome gypsy for his girl.


And no one can deny his charming manners. His nickname for Less: ‘Princess’, and he certainly makes her feel like one.


“Baby, you’re not the one who needs to change, and definitely not a for a chicken shit like me. You’re perfect the way you are, and I’m an asshole for not realizing it sooner.”



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And Austin will do anything to make sure nothing stands in their way of being together.

“Baby, I just found you… you really think I’m gonna let her take you away from me? We’ll figure something out, I promise you that.” … “I don’t think you’re getting it. I told you I’m not letting them take you away, so you better get used to this face. One way or another, Alessandra, I’m yours until you get rid of me.”




I bet you’re wishing for a boyfriend like that! So go and vote if you liked what you read!



Choose your favorite book boyfriend! free polls 


Let the voting begin! We’ll see you back here on Thursday as we watch Daemon from the Lux series take on Nate from Where You’ll Find Me!

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