Capture The Fantasy: Chloe Jacobs Shares the Mylena Chronicles Storyboard


Capture The Fantasy this Winter with Entangled TEEN!

Over the next several months, Entangled TEEN has a bunch of brand new fantasy novels releasing on both our print and digital first lines, so we thought that the best way to celebrate these new books was to offer a series of exclusive eBook sales for a short period of time.

From January 18th to January 31st, the first book in the Mylena Chronicles by Chloe Jacobs is on sale for $0.99! To give you an idea of what to expect from this book, we reached out to the author to share with us a storyboard that best represents the world of Mylena. We hope that you love it as much as we do!

Greta and the World of Mylena 

The world of Mylena is a cold and forbidding place, where winter reigns. The creatures are scary and dangerous, and all of them hate humans, so Greta has had to learn (and quickly) how to take care of herself. To do that, she’s gotten very handy with a sword, and has become one of the best bounty hunters in the land. She’s tough, and a part of her resents the loss of her youth, resents having to be so hard. She thinks she’s as much of a monster as the things she hunts.
 I tried to highlight all of this in the storyboard I made. You can see the harsh landscape and almost feel how cold it would be. You get an idea of the dangers Greta will face in her journey (demon/faerie queen, wraiths, bjer, etc.). But most importantly, I hope you can see the conflict in Greta herself.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Chloe! And now, check out a teaser from Greta and the Goblin King
There was still too much left unresolved between them. Too little trust, too few certainties. Right now, none of that mattered because he’d dipped his head. Only inches away and she could feel his breathing hitch against her cheek. Her heart was pounding in her ears, and the tang of anticipation was sharp on her tongue.
 greta and the goblin king 500x750

About the Book:

While trying to save her brother from a witch’s fire four years ago, Greta was thrown in herself, falling through a portal to Mylena, a dangerous world where humans are the enemy and every ogre, ghoul, and goblin has a dark side that comes out with the eclipse.

To survive, Greta has hidden her humanity and taken the job of bounty hunter—and she’s good at what she does. So good, she’s caught the attention of Mylena’s young goblin king, the darkly enticing Isaac, who invades her dreams and undermines her will to escape.

But Greta’s not the only one looking to get out of Mylena. An ancient evil knows she’s the key to opening the portal, and with the next eclipse mere days away, every bloodthirsty creature in the realm is after her—including Isaac. If Greta fails, she and the lost boys of Mylena will die. If she succeeds, no world will be safe from what follows her back…

Want to read more? Buy Greta and the Goblin King (Mylena Chronicles, #1) now:

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