Forget Tomorrow hits the Mockingjay: Part 2 Premiere in Style

Minority Report meets Legend  in debut novelist Pintip Dunn’s Forget Tomorrow: Book 1 in the Forget Tomorrow Trilogy (Entangled Teen; 11/03/15), a new sci-fi novel that begs the question, “How do you change your future when it’s already been determined?”

It’s Callie’s seventeenth birthday and, like everyone else, she’s eagerly awaiting her vision―a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they’re meant to be. A world-class swimmer. A renowned scientist.

Or in Callie’s case, a criminal.

In her vision, she sees herself murdering her gifted younger sister. Before she can process what it means, Callie is arrested and placed in Limbo―a prison for those destined to break the law. With the help of her childhood crush, Logan, a boy she hasn’t spoken to in five years, she escapes the hellish prison.

But on the run from her future, as well as the government, Callie sets in motion a chain of events that she hopes will change her fate. If not, she must figure out how to protect her sister from the biggest threat of all—Callie, herself.

Forget Tomorrow hits the Mockingjay: Part 2 premiere in style with some of our amazing bloggers, who helped introduce Callie and Logan to The Hunger Game fans! Look out there’s a new kid in town and her name is Callie and fans love how kick ass she is!


Anna from Anna Loves Blog has some amazing photos!

As does, Brooke Bumgardner from Brooke Blogs:


Brooke 1 Brooke 2


And Leydy Baltodano from Once Upon a Twilight:

Leydy 1 Leydy 3 Leydy 4 Leydy 5 Leydy 6


And Rachel Silberman, who handed out cards to the local indie bookstores in NYC!

Rachel Silberman


Thank you to these lovely bloggers and many others who helped debut Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn to the world this week! We appreciate you!!!



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