Stuff We Love, by Sara Hantz

Today is all about ‘stuff I love’. It’s an easy topic for me, I’m a self-confessed TV addict. In fact if you list my favorite programs it reads more like the TV Guide.

I can divide my watching into categories:

Singing – I love anything with singing. My favorites include Idol, The Voice, Glee, Glee Project, X Factor, and my latest obsession is Smash – that is such an awesome show. And thanks to YouTube I can watch different versions of shows – X Factor UK/USA/Australia. The Voice USA/UK/Australia. Britain/America/Australia’s Got Talent.

Courtroom. I’m a sucker for anything set in a courtroom. My absolutely favorite is The Good Wife, and then there’s Harry’s Law. I was very sad when Boston Legal ended.

Medical. I watch loads of medical shows: Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, Nurse Jackie, House (I was devastated when that ended).

Cooking. Actually there’s only one cooking show I watch and that’s Masterchef. As soon as it starts I’ll stop whatever I’m doing to watch. And the funniest thing is I’m the world’s worst cook. I hate cooking. Though I am very good at burning. But for some strange reason I like watching others do it. My children have dubbed me ‘weird’.

Other shows which I also watch religiously are: Ellen (she is my favourite daytime host EVER), Criminal Minds, NCIS and The Mentalist (who can resist Simon Baker?)

Finally, I have to mention a show which I think is the best comedy show ever: Big Bang Theory. It’s one of those shows that the more you watch, the funnier it becomes. And then when you go back to watch earlier episodes they make you laugh even more because you know the characters so well.

It’s becoming, for me, like Friends. I can watch episodes over and over and never tire of them and always laugh. And, like Friends, my favorite character changes all the time because each one of them has their quirks.

If you haven’t ever watched it then I urge you to find the time. You won’t regret it!

What about you, do you watch a lot of TV? And which show is your favorite?

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2 Replies on Stuff We Love, by Sara Hantz

  • I was incredible amounts of TV, or series at least. I can watch reruns of Friends all day, but besides I also am pretty much addicted to ‘The Vampire Diaries’, ‘Saving Hope’ (unfortunately the first season is already finished for this year) and ‘Hart of Dixie’

  • Ooh, I love The Big Bang Theory, too. Sheldon cracks me up. I used to watch Idol, then dropped it and started watching the Voice.

    My favorite shows right now are: The Vampire Diaries, The Voice, Ghost Hunters, Once Upon a Time, New Girl, Haven, and Destination Truth.

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