Swoon Sunday: Tru from Falling for the Girl Next Door (Creative HeArts, #5; Sloane & Tru, #2) by Tera Lynn Childs!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Truman ‘Tru’ Dorsey from All Laced Up by Tera Lynn Childs!

Tru, why don’t you describe yourself to us.

On the tall and lean side, with black hair and dark eyes. When I get dressed for school, I tend to grab whatever’s closest. I almost always have a smirk (and a snarky comment) at the ready.

What’s your profession?

Student at Austin NextGen Academy, indie filmmaker, all-around charming scoundrel.

Where do you call home?

Under the old man’s roof in Austin, Texas.

Do you have a special skill?

I have many. *winks*

What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?

To get the $%&# out of Austin, out of Texas altogether. Maybe Hollywood. But New York has been sounding better and better lately.

What’s your darkest secret?

If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret.

What’s your favourite dessert/food?

Currently, red velvet cupcakes.

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

Sloane Whitaker.

What’s your favourite pastime/hobby?

Climbing Sloane Whitaker’s roof.

What would be your idea of an ideal vacation?

Camping out on Sloane Whitaker’s roof.

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

This week? This year? Ever? I couldn’t pick just one.

Who is your idol?

Dominic Sena, one of the most kick @$$ directors ever.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Gone in 60 Seconds (see above)

Boxers or briefs?

Wouldn’t you like to know?

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Both (but only the marshmallows from the Lucky Charms—a guy has to have standards)

Early bird or night owl?


Chunky peanut butter or smooth?

Smooooth like butta!

Favourite fictional character?

Memphis Raines from Gone in 60 Seconds

Liked the Interview with Tru? Now check out a swoony excerpt from the book featuring a swoony scene between Sloane and Tru:

As soon as we’re both in our seats, he leans across the gear shift and presses a kiss against my lips. The soft heat of it nearly melts me into a puddle. I lift a hand to his cheek and sink into the feeling of his mouth on mine.


Want to Read More? Pre-order Falling for the Girl Next Door (Creative HeArts, #5; Sloane and Tru, #2) Today!


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